Archives 2013

Ways to Prevent Eating Out of Boredom

prevent eating out of boredom

Are you actually hungry, or are you just bored? Sometimes people eat because they have nothing better to do, it is usually done without thinking. Boredom eating, and mindless eating is the worst kind. Not only will you eat more, but you will eat a lot of the worst foods. If you feel it’s time to establish a new and healthier eating routine it will begin with being more mindful when eating.

When people are trying to become more mindful of their eating, and to prevent eating out of boredom they begin with a food Journal. Your food Journal should include your daily consumption, with a list of calories, possibly how you’re feeling at the time, and any additional food facts. Pattern recognition over time will let you know whether you are eating more out of boredom or what times of the day your most bored and eating out of boredom. Identify with the times that you are actually hungry, ask yourself on a scale 1 to 10 how hungry you actually feel. It’s up to seven or more than you can eat something otherwise try and refrain from eating until your actual meal time.

Try alternatives to eating, such as hobbies, other interests, or spending time with loved ones. If you can think of anything make an activity jar, fill a jar with different things to do and when you feel hungrier or bring one of the activities out. You can also use this time to deal with chores or things you’ve been putting off. The best activities are the ones that occupy your hands. You could give yourself a manicure, or pedicure, do needlework, typing, or learn to play an instrument. You can also utilize this free time to learn a new skill. No matter what you do, concentrate on what you’re doing, force yourself to focus.

You can also prevent eating out of boredom by exercising. If you begin to feel hungry go for a walk, jog, or run. If you go outside and change your environment your hunger and cravings should subside. It may also be helpful for you to chew some gum, it is low in calories and quite refreshing. It may help you burn calories and curb your appetite.

There are also things to avoid when trying to prevent eating out of boredom. Avoid keeping food in your bedroom. Have a designated table in your house for eating and drinking only, and eat and drink only at the table. Stashing food in your room can be a big temptation. Additionally, identify the foods that you most commonly reach for when you’re bored and avoid buying them and having them in your home. Choose only nutritious foods for your home. Whole foods that are replenishing and full of natural vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are best.

When it comes to the prevention of eating out of boredom, or mindless eating it is best to schedule all of your meals and include small nutritious snacks between meals. Eating on a schedule is very beneficial to your health as well as the prevention of cravings and hunger. There are also foods that you can eat between your snacks and meals if you are absolutely hungry such as celery or watermelon which have high water content and not very many calories. It is also important to drink lots of water to prevent mindless or boredom eating. Often our body’s can confuse hunger and thirst so it is vital to keep hydrated in order to prevent the body from confusing the two.

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Why Your Body Stores Fat When You Skip Meals

why you should never skip meals

Skipping meals is not a good idea, especially if you’re on a diet plan. Getting the proper nutrients and exercise are the key to all successful weight loss programs. Some people believe that skipping meals can help them lose weight. Others believe that if they skip dinner or snack instead of the dinner they will lose weight. Some people skip breakfast, or even enjoy a large breakfast then skip lunch. There are certain times where it is acceptable to fast, but it’s not generally throughout the day. Your body stores fat when you skip meals because once you have not eaten over a prolonged amount of time your body goes into starvation mode.

The fact is if your body is not getting enough nourishment throughout the day it begins storing fat. Your metabolism will actually slow down to reserve energy. You will in fact lose weight this way, however once you start eating again, the weight will come back and be stored as fat because the body has gone into starvation mode. The proper amount of times to eat daily is roughly about three meals and two snacks per day. Smaller portions are the best way to digest and metabolize things faster. Your meal should be made up of mostly fruits and vegetables and lean meats if you want to increase your metabolism.

Surely you’ve heard eating before bed is bad and will make you gain weight. (Although, not eating at all will make you gain weight and store fat.) Eating late is not a problem if you choose something small, light, and low in calories. Not eating anything for dinner leads to unhealthy late night snacking and snacking on high calorie junk foods. Some people eat a big breakfast then decide to skip lunch. Same thing with breakfast, they skip breakfast and then make up for it by having a big lunch. If you do either of these you will send your body into starvation mode, which in turn will make you store fat. If you are not hungry try having something small like a banana with a large cup of water. At least that way you are not going to skip meals, and you won’t be eating too much when you are not hungry either.

If you work at night or overnight the times and how often to eat are a little bit tricky. The worst thing you can do is to skip dinner. It’s easy to go to sleep not having dinner but then you wake up twice as hungry and eat a huge breakfast. Although it is equally bad to grab a bite to eat at the first fast food place you can find on the way home from work. Fast food no matter what meal it is, is loaded with unhealthy calories and fat. Avoid this by grabbing a healthy bowl of cereal, breakfast bar, or granola bar. If you are an overnight worker try to have something on the way home small and light in calories, that way you are not starving yourself and you will not wake up hungry. A good example of something that you could have on the way home would be an apple, banana, or some grapes.

Sometimes finding the right eating schedule can be tricky. But once you have something that works for you it is important to stick to it. When people skip meals and aren’t getting proper nutrients their body begins to store their food as fat. Fasting is acceptable only if you were to stop eating during your inactive periods at say, 7:00 PM to 7:00 AM. That means your last meal would be ending around 7 PM and you would not be eating anything before bed but instead saving your appetite for first thing in the morning when you wake up. If you did this this would not store fat in fact it has been shown in many studies to increase the production of your HGH levels. The reason skipping meals increases the storage of fat is because you need many more nutrients throughout the day, when deprived the body starts to slow down to conserve energy. So when you eat again the body is going to store that as fat for the time it needs to have energy on reserves.

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Are Cheat Days Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Efforts?

dieting cheat days

When we are into our diets and we get some steam going–it can be a very delicate experience. We are depriving ourselves of the things we love and most diets that are meant to be long-term will allow for cheat days. But are the cheat days sabotaging your weight loss efforts? They can if you are not using sensible restraint.

You may be saying “aren’t cheat days to be unrestrained?” That depends how many cheat days you have and how much you are eating. Now, it takes a lot of food in a day that would cause you to gain any weight. However we aren’t talking one day of eating a ton of calories as being your downfall.

How are your cheat days sabotaging your weight loss efforts?

When you “fall off the wagon” so to speak, you may just start up some cravings and blow the whole thing. So one of the most important things is to make sure you aren’t using your cheat days to start up all the sugar and carb cravings again and again. There is a way to have cheat days that does not have to have a negative impact on your diet.

What to consider:

Different people have different weaknesses and also different things make them gain weight. What you need to consider here is what these things are and steer clear of what you had the most vicious cravings for.

Sugar is one of the biggest culprits and really bad carbs like the potato or white rice. So don’t go on an ice cream binge or have a loaded baked potato if this is your kryptonite.This is where people go wrong. They will treat their cheat day like a party not as a treat. The key here is to make sure you know yourself. Each person knows how much and what it takes to throw them over the edge. The key is also to be honest with yourself about what you are doing on cheat days. If you know it won’t be able to handle that rocky road or mint chocolate chip or the steak then simply don’t do it.

Your cravings come from the body being deprived of what it was first addicted to. So when you put it back, then boom you can be hooked again. And yes, it is just like any other addiction to anything else. So how do you have that little taste and do it right? You really do need to try it first and yes you may fall off but you won’t be devastated. Know what tells your brain to go for it and what doesn’t.

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Cut Your Appetite in Half With Phentramin-D Diet Pills

cut your appetite in half with phentramin-d

It’s the magic formula that so many of us wish that we had, and that’s how to cut your appetite in half. If we knew how to exert proper portion control and suppress our appetites naturally then we wouldn’t have to worry about how to lose weight. It’s something that so many of us struggle with as we have learned this harmful behavior over the years. So if you are somebody who struggles with portion control or who just feels hungry all the time, it’s important to get a hold of this. If you can’t do it on your own, then there are great options such as Phentramin-D diet pills to really help you to get to where you want to be.

No diet should ever promote deprivation because it’s not an effective way to lose the weight once and for all. The important thing to remember here though is that if you can work towards eating less or therefore cut your appetite in half, then you can be much more successful. Most of us eat too much overall, and that’s the truth. If we’re honest with ourselves it’s about getting ahead of the appetite and cravings, and a diet pill like Phentramin-D can do just that. You will still eat as you should, but it will help you to eat less in one sitting and overall in your day

You Get That Edge To Teach You The Right Way To Eat

The way that it works is that it keeps your metabolism going, gives you energy, and helps to cut your appetite in half by requiring you to need less to eat. You will still eat healthy meals during the day, but you won’t need as much to feel full or satisfied. Not only that but you will also find that it cuts back on your cravings as well. You are in charge of what you eat and how much you eat, and therefore the food never overpowers you along the way. This is a much more efficient way of eating and it really helps you to accomplish your weight loss goals in the right way.

It is the natural and highly effective ingredients within Phentramin-D diet pills that allow you to cut your appetite in half. This is not a pill that you are intended to take forever, but it certainly does give you a jump start on better eating habits. Once you find that you need less food to feel satisfied, you aren’t tempted to go back to the unhealthy ways of eating that you did in the past. You lose the weight, but more importantly learn proper portion control. This is what leads to effective and long term weight loss that you can finally enjoy for good!

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Weight Loss iPhone Apps That Work

best weight loss iphone apps

Today we have technology at our fingertips and we are able to look at a “phone” like the iphone that is more like a computer than just a phone and get any crazy information we want that is up to the minute. When it comes to diets there are apps that are made for the iphone that you can consult wherever you go that will bring the information to you in the blink of an eye.

What are the top rated weight loss iphone apps?

Some of these apps are also good for the Android phones which are also popular.

  • BMI Calculator: This BMI calculator is called “Ideal Weight” and will calculate your body mass squared by your height and find out what the ideal weight would be.
  • Diet Assistant: This is one of the weight loss iPhone Apps that will act as your personal chef and trainer. You can be a vegetarian or a meat and potatoes person and it won’t matter. This little App will take you by the hand and guide you where you need to go!
  • My Fitness Pal: This App will take you through the calorie counting you need to have down and how to burn those calories after you eat them. Take it to a restaurant or take it home and you will have it all in one tidy compartment.
  • Lose It: This is a simple and smart little App that gives you a calorie goal and a log so you can shop for the food you need to meet that goal and eat right even when you are out.
  • Weight Watchers Mobile: This App is the best for carrying your weight watchers plan with you wherever you go and never miss a beat. You can plan your meals and consult your points whenever you go out to eat and at the grocery store without worrying about stepping out of bounds with your diet and regretting it later. This App has the most comprehensive list out of all of them listed because Weight Watchers is a much older and well-established company that has built lists and weight loss programs from the ground up for decades.

These are all great interactive weight loss iPhone Apps and there are even versions of several that have a social media feature—once you are in—you can—if you choose to—talk to others to challenge and support each other.

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How Calorie Cycling Prevents Weight Loss Plateaus

calorie cycling for weight loss

If you’ve ever heard of it, then you know that calorie cycling can be a very helpful tool. It’s not a difficult concept, but one that you need to really pay attention to. When you follow so many traditional diets out there, you tend to deprive yourself. You may give yourself too few calories and therefore this sends signals to the body.

The brain detects that you are in trouble when you eat too few calories and the body then prepares for starvation mode. The end result is that your body ends up holding onto every ounce of food that you eat and storing it as fat to protect you. So in order to avoid this from happening, you are instead tricking your body in a whole new way.

The way that calorie cycling works in a nutshell is based on variety. You want to always mix it up whether it comes to exercise, the foods that you eat, or the calories that you consume each day. If you do the same activities, eat the same foods, or follow the exact same calorie count each day then you won’t end up losing weight. You need to incorporate variety and this is a big way to prevent or work through weight loss plateaus. So this same concept of variety is at the core of what calorie cycling is, and why it can be so effective, particularly if you are at a point where you are struggling.

You Need to Keep the Body Guessing Always

You never want to go for a calorie deficit as this is when starvation mode kicks in. So you instead mix in days of calorie surplus with calorie deficit, and the body is therefore always guessing. You aren’t following a standard or traditional diet, but rather cycling out the way in which you consume your calories. This tricks the body and provides that variety needed to ensure that weight loss can occur. That’s what makes this such an effective way to lose weight and get back on track if you are stuck on a weight loss plateau.

Be sure that you approach calorie cycling in a healthy way. Just as you never want to focus too much on a calorie deficit, you also don’t want to focus too much on a calorie surplus. The key is to mix it up and therefore eat different foods each day. Not only will calorie cycling in this way help you to lose the weight and break through the plateau, but it will also keep you interested and motivated. So if you need to break free of a plateau or keep the weight loss going, calorie cycling is a great method to try.

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What Makes Morning Workouts So Effective for Weight Loss

morning workouts for weight loss

You hear it all the time that morning workouts are the way to go. So what makes morning the very best time to lose weight and to get your body going? There are a number of reasons why this is the best time of day to workout. If nothing else start by thinking about the fact that this is your time to dedicate to working out before any of the craziness begins. When you are busy and hectic in your day it is often hard to steal away for a workout. If however you plan to work out in the morning then this is your dedicated time to take care of yourself before anything else goes on.

Another reason why morning workouts are so great for you is that it gets the body up and moving. You have gone from a rest state to an active one and that means that the metabolism is in full active mode. You are burning crazy calories, the metabolism starts working like crazy right away, and this makes for a very powerful way to start your day. You will find that revving the metabolism in this way keeps you going for the entire day long. You are more energized and burning calories more effectively, even at a resting state. You do want to be sure to eat a morning snack before you go, but this makes for a truly powerful time to work the body in this manner.

You Have So Much To Gain From These

Another reason that morning workouts work so well is that the body can focus only on the activity that you are giving to it. You likely don’t have to invest much effort into digestion as the food that you have eaten is minimal. You can put in more effort and really benefit from this all day long. You get so much energy out of this to keep you going all day and that means that you are at your very best. The body really needs to be in motion. Starting off the day like this is so imperative to keeping yourself strong.

You will also find that morning workouts become routine a lot faster. Sure you may not want to get up at first, but you will commit to this once you see that it can and will work. You won’t have other commitments or excuses to keep you from working out as you would at other parts of the day. Your metabolism is going strong, you are burning calories, and you work to make workouts a priority when you commit to morning workouts. So if you needed a reason to wake up and workout, now you have several so make the commitment and keep it going strong!

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Maximum Fat Burning Factors

fat burning factors for maximum results

Everyone who diets and even those who don’t and just want to maintain weight want to know the maximum fat burning factors and how they can use them. We will touch on this, but keep in mind this may take a little experimentation on your part. Each person has a slight variation in how they burn fat because of many factors.

Maximum fat burning factors include:

  • Everyone is different as far as body chemistry is concerned. Fat burn can be affected by these elements.
  • Age is a factor because your metabolism is going to slow down considerably with each decade.
  • Eating habits will certainly influence the way the individual will burn fat.
  • Sleeping habits will influence the metabolism—if you don’t get decent or enough sleep—everything slows down.
  • Activity levels that are low will certainly be a main component to the maximum fat burning factors.

So, these are the things to take into consideration in the aforementioned list. This is why more than one go around may be necessary before you discover your own maximum fat burning factors.

What you can do to boost your fat burning capability:
Physical activity:

The first thing you may want to experiment with is your fitness level. Make sure you find several exercises or ways to raise your heart-rate several times a week. Try them out to see if any of them work better than others. For some, just a quick walk works and for others it takes a lot or a little more.

Eating habits:

Adopt new eating habits slowly—make sure you aren’t doing a complete 360 in your diet right away because this will only cause you to shock your system. Introduce fat burning into your diet one or two foods at a time.

Fat burning foods and drinks:

  • Citrus as in grapefruit and oranges but leaning more towards the grapefruit.
  • Green tea to 3 x 4 oz. cups or more a day—there is some caffeine so get organic if you want to drink more—get “naturally decaffeinated”.
  • Any berry like blueberries and strawberries
  • Sauerkraut or any acidic cabbage at all

So let’s recap the maximum fat burning factors:

  • Raising the heart-rate 3 times week
  • Get regular sleep
  • Eat and drink fat-burning foods and take out saturated fats

Bonus tip:

Eat several small meals a day with your maximum fat burning factors.

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The Fats That Help You Get Skinny

fats that help burn fat

You’ve probably heard about “good fats” and not only do they exist but these are the fats that help to get you skinny. These are fats that have been discovered in recent years that should be an essential part of your diet. They contain key nutrients to help protect your health in the short term and the long term. What makes these good fats so important however is that they can also contribute to helping you lose weight and keep it off. So if you are intrigued by what makes these good fats so good or how they help you to get skinny, it’s time to learn about the fats that help you in every way possible.

First let’s take a look at what makes good fats so good. The good fats that you will see listed contain high concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is a nutrient that helps to lower cholesterol levels and may even help in preventing heart disease. It is also these nutrients that can work towards keeping you skinny as well. Rather than the harmful counterparts such as transfats and saturated fats, good fats actually have Omega-3 fatty acids within them that can help your health and your weight loss in the long term.

It’s essential to identify what makes up the good fat list. So as you consider which fats that help or what the “good fats” truly are, here’s the list:

  • Avocado
  • Walnuts
  • Almonds
  • Olive Oil
  • Flaxseeds
  • Tuna
  • Mackerel
  • Salmon

The way that the fats help is that they help to keep you feel full longer and therefore satisfied. They introduce a great type of nutrient that is important for your health, but which will also help you to make wise calorie investments. You aren’t as tempted to eat the bad fats as you feel satisfied with good fats that offer all the right things. Not only that but good fats can also go after and even eliminate belly fat.

So if you have belly fat or if you are even trying to prevent it, then good fats may be one of the best ways to do so. Good fats introduce an excellent form of a key nutrient, but they are also helpful in weight loss and in protecting your health. So turn to these often, learn how to include them in your diet, and see the benefits almost instantly in weight loss and so much more.

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The Phentramin-D Formula that Melts Pounds Away Fast

phentramin-d formula information

Phentramin-D formula is the fastest most safe and effective way to lose weight. It is a scientifically formulated and clinically proven way to melt pounds away fast. That’s the reason why you take a diet pill right? Because you want to lose weight fast as well as safely and effectively right? Then you have found the perfect way to do that right here!

So how does Phentramin-D Formula work?

Phentramin-D Formula is the highly effective weight loss pill which does not need a prescription. This is what is attractive about this formula. The sister formula Phentermine is a prescription formula with potentially hazardous side-effects and though it is still popular for its effectiveness it is not so popular for the side effects. So in saying that, Phentramin-D formula is successful because of the chemical that sends the message to the brain that releases norepinephrine. This is a hormone everyone has and it is responsible for metabolic rate and controlling sugar stages. This will give the user a chance to burn off more calories than they would normally. This also means the food you eat will very quickly be turned into nutrients that you will burn easier.

What other ways does Phentramin-D formula work for me?

Apart from the aforementioned, this formula will curb your appetite. It does this by improving your cyclic AMP (Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate). There are chemicals that speak to the brain and will help you increase hunger—very simply—by suppressing your appetite.

What are the benefits in using this brand over others that are similar?

This brand has a patented formula that is more effective that hoodia and less dangerous than ephedrine or ephedra. The Hoodia gordonii is an herbal remedy which is actually kind of weak as far as efficacy is concerned in the pills it is associated with and the ephedrine or ephedra like in the popular and much more dangerous brand-Phen Phen is not worth the risk.

This is why Phentramin-D Formula melts pounds away fast without the added risk that these other brands—some prescription and some not—may prove to have. As well as taking this pill as with any diet pill you must remember to stick to a healthy diet plan as well as an active exercise regimen that is a regimen and not sporadic. The Phentramin-D formula is the best gamble and the safest going.

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