Don’t Sabotage Weight Loss By Drinking Alcohol

drinking alcohol bad for weight loss

In our college years we are most likely to consume large quantities of alcohol. This is also when what is called “the freshmen ten” which is your first ten pounds you gain from the fraternity life and of course the pizza that goes with it.

So, in terms of alcohol being in any way, shape or form a good thing for weight loss—it just isn’t. A beer can have more than 1000 calories, this is 200 less than what you would be eating for your total calorie intake all day! Don’t sabotage weight loss by drinking alcohol.

How drinking alcohol affects us as we get older

At least when you were in your twenties, you had a metabolism that could handle the load –for a while that is. Then once we hit 30 you notice more on guys who drink more beer later into their lives that a little gut starts to form and between 35 and 40 its near impossible to remove. Why? Because we have unwittingly caused our bodies to peak out and get used to the beer gut. Now, it gets a bit more complicated as we go on.

Yo Yo diets and alcohol

When you are on diets more than once a year—it will begin to get harder and harder to lose because again—you are used to it and the body likes to have a comfortable place to stay stable. This is why when you hear people talk about their “trouble” spots; it seems they can move weight from every part of their body before this “trouble” spot. So suffice to say it is just better to not have the alcohol at all or switch to moderate drinking and light beers only. Maybe a glass of wine with a meal would kill the urge.

Drinking alcohol and social activity

But alas, that does not get one through a football season does it? Unfortunately there is just no way around alcohol and weight loss sabotage—it simply has to go or be significantly toned down. Here is a way to make it easier. Want to watch a game? Do it in a bar after happy hour so the two for ones aren’t there to tempt you. When you are invited to a party then try bringing your own non alcoholic beer and no one has to know any better—except you and your waistline.

Remember that drinking alcohol is a social thing—so let your buddies know it’s a no-go until the beer gut disappears!

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The Reason You Should Never Go Hungry When Dieting

never go hungry when dieting

Though it may seem contrary to just about every diet out there, you will find there is a reason you should never go hungry when dieting. Far too many diets out there promote deprivation, extreme calorie counting, and starvation in various forms. Though you tend to think that you are going to lose weight by eating less, just the contrary might happen. Though there may be an initial drop on the scale with such methods, the truth is that this will all change and not for the better after awhile. If you go about starving yourself for too long, you may very well end up gaining weight and therefore hurting any progress.

Here’s what happens and what makes up the reason you should never go hungry when dieting. When you starve yourself or your body perceives that you are starving yourself, it goes into starvation mode. The brain sends signals to the rest of the body that you are starving and therefore it goes into “fight or flight” mode to try and protect you. When the brain sends such signals that means that the body begins to hold onto every single thing that you eat to store it as fat—obviously not the result that you were hoping for.

You Are Working Against Yourself In The End

So as you consider the reason you should never go hungry when dieting it has to do with giving your body fuel. When you skip out on meals or cut back on your calorie consumption drastically, your body perceives that you are starving. This is ultimately a good thing as the body is doing what it’s supposed to in order to protect you. When it stores the food as fat it is to ensure that you never die from starvation. However when it comes to weight loss or dieting, this is exactly the opposite of what you want.

It is therefore important to remember the reason you should never go hungry when dieting. You will not only have a difficult time in losing weight, but you will actually gain weight in many cases. You will feel far too hungry when you deprive yourself in this manner. This also doesn’t make up for a good or long term weight loss program as it’s nothing that you can stick with for very long. So go about dieting and weight loss in the right way and take your time as that’s what your body really wants!

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Avoid Health Conditions Related to Obesity with Phentramin-D

Avoid Health Conditions Related to Obesity

In western society, you can bet there are more obesity related and deadly health conditions than anywhere else in the world. We are constantly bombarded by great tasting but not so good for you foods. We are less active than we should be and that adds up to bad diet and bad health. When you take a helpful diet pill like Phentramin-D you can give your body the boost it needs to perform the weight loss task more easily. This will help you avoid health conditions related to obesity.

What kinds of diseases are weight gain related?

There are many common and deadly diseases that are weight related. In the U.S. there are more type II–non insulin dependent diabetes cases than anywhere else in the world. This means the person was not born with the disease because people with type-two diabetes will have developed it through bad lifestyle and eating habits. This is first caused with excessive weight gain to an obese level–but it doesn’t have to go that far–a mere 10 pounds over your ideal weight will begin to affect your health adversely. To avoid health conditions like diabetes, it is best to always remain in your ideal weight zone.

Your body is a well-oiled machine in the way that it maneuvers nutrients through your body in order for you to live and it can do it effortlessly when we take care of ourselves and stay at a healthy weight. When we don’t, it has to struggle and that puts a strain on vital organs like the heart, liver and the pancreas that regulates blood sugar. This causes other diseases and disorders such as heart attack and stroke.

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