Where Fat Goes When You Burn It Off

Where Fat Goes when it burns

A lot of people want to know where fat goes when you burn it off. Does it just escape into the ether, or does it redistribute itself throughout your body? Do you pass it as waste later on, or does it turn into something more useful? Weight is one of the only things in life that we lose and don’t care to find, but that doesn’t mean we can’t wonder about where it ends up after we get rid of it. Inquiring minds want to know, and the latest scientific studies seem to be showing up on the scene just in time with all the answers.

How Is Fat Lost?

First, you need to understand the fundamentals of how fat is shed from the typical body. By going through a complex biochemical process, the body gets rid of fat. However, the law of entropy states that no matter may be lost in any reaction, which ultimately means that fat cells (atoms) must be transformed into something else. This location does not have to remain a mystery, however. Those who make it their duty to research the behavior of fat cells and lipids have discovered where fat goes when it is lost.

So Where Does It Go?

“No” is the answer to your question as to whether fat just up and disappears. In fact, scientists have even come up with a simple formula to explain where fat goes when it is shed from the body. Simply put, it gets turned into usable energy. That must be good news to those folks who have found out just how much excess fat can reduce physical activity levels, and it can’t be hard to hear for folks who struggle with being energetic enough throughout the day, either.

What Happens If I Eat Fatty Foods?

You should know that not all fatty foods are bad for you. The typical culprit for excess weight gain is usually refined carbohydrates, contrary to popular belief. When you eat fat, it does not necessarily go straight to your hips. Interestingly, it all depends on what you eat and how much of it you consume. Where fat goes once it enters your body is up to your metabolism, and it all hinges on your physical needs.

Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about an inability to get rid of fat or if you seem to be losing it too quickly, as either condition may be a sign that you have a bigger problem on your hands than your pant size.

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The Top Reasons to Get Rid of Belly Fat

why get rid of belly fat

Not only is body fat extremely unattractive to look at but it is also profoundly hazardous to your health. Despite the cute names people have managed to make up for it over time, such as love handles or the “apple” shape, you need to get rid of belly fat since it contributes to the development of several other health issues.

Are Fat People More Likely to Develop Belly Fat?

The popular belief that only fat people have belly fat is erroneous since belly fat may even develop in skinny people if they do not look after themselves but instead lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Researchers have reported that belly fat may even be tucked around the stomach organs inside the belly and can only be seen by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT).

Why Is Belly Fat Harmful?

Researchers have proved belly fat is more harmful than unattractive due to the fact it increases the chances of a stroke, heart attack, or high blood pressure. Undeniably, abdominal fat is a key indicator of a range of abnormalities, more commonly referred to as “metabolic syndrome.” Belly fat also increases blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol, among other risks.

The best way to understand what belly fat actually does to your organs is summed up in one sentence by Lewis Kuller, MD, who is a professor and past chair of epidemiology at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, stated that the fatty acids from the belly fat go into your muscles and liver. In order to protect yourself from developing heart diseases and such, it is necessary to get rid of belly fat as early and as safely as possible.

Is Belly Fat More Likely to Harm Men or Women?

It is not a debatable subject as to whether men or women are more likely to be victims of belly fat since it has long been known that men are more likely to develop belly fat and endure the consequences. Women are more likely to be safe from any diseases that are the outcome of abdominal fat, but this is only until they reach menopause, when belly fat starts to bring about a decrease in estrogen levels and, in turn, increases the risk of heart diseases.

To some extent, your genes are to blame for the amount of belly fat you are likely to develop later in life. However, the lifestyle you adopt—the amount of physical activity in which you take part and the calories you consume—also plays a huge role in the shape you take on. Exercising regularly can easily help maintain a good shape and eliminate belly fat, no matter the genes. It is tough to get rid of belly fat once developed, but with enough dedication it is possible.

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Maximum Fat Burning Factors

fat burning factors for maximum results

Everyone who diets and even those who don’t and just want to maintain weight want to know the maximum fat burning factors and how they can use them. We will touch on this, but keep in mind this may take a little experimentation on your part. Each person has a slight variation in how they burn fat because of many factors.

Maximum fat burning factors include:

  • Everyone is different as far as body chemistry is concerned. Fat burn can be affected by these elements.
  • Age is a factor because your metabolism is going to slow down considerably with each decade.
  • Eating habits will certainly influence the way the individual will burn fat.
  • Sleeping habits will influence the metabolism—if you don’t get decent or enough sleep—everything slows down.
  • Activity levels that are low will certainly be a main component to the maximum fat burning factors.

So, these are the things to take into consideration in the aforementioned list. This is why more than one go around may be necessary before you discover your own maximum fat burning factors.

What you can do to boost your fat burning capability:
Physical activity:

The first thing you may want to experiment with is your fitness level. Make sure you find several exercises or ways to raise your heart-rate several times a week. Try them out to see if any of them work better than others. For some, just a quick walk works and for others it takes a lot or a little more.

Eating habits:

Adopt new eating habits slowly—make sure you aren’t doing a complete 360 in your diet right away because this will only cause you to shock your system. Introduce fat burning into your diet one or two foods at a time.

Fat burning foods and drinks:

  • Citrus as in grapefruit and oranges but leaning more towards the grapefruit.
  • Green tea to 3 x 4 oz. cups or more a day—there is some caffeine so get organic if you want to drink more—get “naturally decaffeinated”.
  • Any berry like blueberries and strawberries
  • Sauerkraut or any acidic cabbage at all

So let’s recap the maximum fat burning factors:

  • Raising the heart-rate 3 times week
  • Get regular sleep
  • Eat and drink fat-burning foods and take out saturated fats

Bonus tip:

Eat several small meals a day with your maximum fat burning factors.

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